
YOU! TU! on YOUtube

Paz! Peace!

Las matematicas de hoy son 'sabeduria y conocimiento'. El grado en el alfabeto supremo es 'Tu o Universo'.

Today I wanted to focus of the science of "YOU". You are a product of your own thought, consciousness, and awareness. One's wisdom, or the expression of these thoughts is what magnifies one's own awareness and enriches them along their growth and development.

Without a proper education, one can not live out their fullest potential and their ways, words and actions will be indicative of thoughts and ideas other than who they are. This means that YOU are not being YOU. But someoneelse.

I wanted to share two videos on Afro-Boriken history. They are very informative and I build that it opens your understanding to our roots.

Mis raices son Taino y Africano... Yo soy el hombre Original!


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