(pictured is the Huallamarca pyramid in Peru)
Paz! For those of us who may not have been aware, Egypt and the Mayans and Mexica where not the only Original people to built pyramids. Actually pyramids are found throughout the Americas (North and South) and through Asia. On Wednesday, National Geographic aired a program called “The Hidden Pyramids of Peru” which talks about the over 26 pyramids that were built prior to the rise of the “Inca” civilization. Infact, the cities who produced some of these pyramids were created when the Pyramids in Egypt were just being built. There is always the speculation from Afro-centrists’ that since humanity was conceived in Africa and spread out from there, everything else came out of Africa, thereby regulating other civilization’s advancement and development to their interaction with Africans. While our African brothers and sisters did contribute much to the Pre-Columbian cultures of the Americas, civilization did not and does not stem solely from their hands. The Original people are all people of color, who in my opinion, developed independently in many respects, however, share so many similarities with other Original/Indigenous cultures due to that fact that we are the Original people and therefore origin from the same, universal consciousness. There are pyramids in Mexico, Guatemala, Ohio, Illinois, Japan, China, Sudan, Brazil, Bolivia and Australia. Not to take away from my European brothers and sisters in the human family, b-u-t there weren’t any pyramids built in Europe. The closest would be those built in the Canary Islands and those in Greece (which were built prior to those in Egypt as well, however it is documented that Greece and Crete were Kemetian colonies prior to the organization and rise of the Greek state. Below is an article that discusses the pyramids in Peru, a link to see more pictures and information about them, and a link for a National Geographic article about a mummy of a women found in one of the pyramids.
This is a very important of our history. Do the knowledge…
This is a very important of our history. Do the knowledge…
By Mark Henderson, The Times
By Mark Henderson, The Times
AN ADVANCED civilisation was thriving on the coast of modern-day Peru at the same time as the pyramids were built in Egypt – more than 1,000 years earlier than was previously thought, American researchers have discovered.
New radio-carbon dating of plant fibres found at Caral, 120 miles north of Lima, has revealed that the ancient city was built as early as 2600BC, making it by far the oldest urban settlement yet identified in the Americas.
The findings, published today in the journal Science, suggest that the significance of the Caral civilisation has been badly underestimated by archaeologists and anthropologists.
The inhabitants of the city had developed technology on a par with much of that found in ancient Egypt at about the same time they had the know-how to irrigate fields and to build monumental pyramids, though they never learnt to make ceramic pottery, a fact that continues to puzzle anthropologists. Jonathan Haas, curator of anthropology at the Field Museum in Chicago, who led the study, said Caral had previously been dated to about 1600BC. “Our findings show that a very large, complex society had risen on the coast of Peru centuries earlier than anyone thought, “ Dr Haas said.
The inhabitants of the city had developed technology on a par with much of that found in ancient Egypt at about the same time they had the know-how to irrigate fields and to build monumental pyramids, though they never learnt to make ceramic pottery, a fact that continues to puzzle anthropologists. Jonathan Haas, curator of anthropology at the Field Museum in Chicago, who led the study, said Caral had previously been dated to about 1600BC. “Our findings show that a very large, complex society had risen on the coast of Peru centuries earlier than anyone thought, “ Dr Haas said.
“This is a project that comes along once in a generation and offers opportunities rarely glimpsed in the field of archaeology.”
Caral is dominated by a central zone containing six large platform mounds arranged around a huge public plaza. The largest of these mounds, known as Piramide Mayor, stands 60ft high and measures 450ft by 500ft at its base.
All six central mounds were built in only one or two phases, providing strong evidence of complex planning, centralised decision-making and mobilisation of a large labour force- all of which suggest an advanced civilisation.
Stairs, rooms, courtyards and other structures were constructed on top of the pyramids as well as on the side terraces.
Excavations are now planned to determine whether there were rooms or tombs inside the mounds. Other architecture at the site also indicates a high level of cultural complexity. In particular, three sunken circular plazas testify to the emergence of a well-organised religion with open, public ceremonies. Other villages in Peru are known to have been occupied before 2600BC and some even had small-scale public platforms or stone rings. All, however, are much smaller in scale.
- Article found at http://www.goldenageproject.org.uk/56peru.html
- Article found at http://www.goldenageproject.org.uk/56peru.html
-Pyramids of Peru: http://www.crystalinks.com/pyramidperu.html
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