
Remembering Roberto

One of the most powerful and important points of Allah's Will, his teachings, was his yearn to bring the 'black, brown and yellow" together. This is was not only an ideal rooted to the future absolution of racism, but a movement towards solidarity that is reflected in numerous historical accounts. The reality being manifested, is that we are all one family: the Original family, the Black family which then manifests into different shades of the "one". These three basic 'colors' can be found displayed throughout the populations of the world,minus that of the European population. This transforming and redefining of the concepts of color, race and politics are deemed integal for one to properly internalize the 'knowledge of self', transforming themselves and ultimately society at large. Especially, throughout so-called "Latin-America". Thus, while someone is encouraged to learn about there specific ethnicity and to gain greater understanding of one's shade (which attributes some bio-chemical aspects to our personal relationship with the universe, as well as insight into our own personal lineage and the socio-politico-cultural events that took place during that lineage) the words "Original" and "Black" are used lovingly towards all people of color within our cipher. This is not to blanket someone's individual history in favor of the collective identity, as some forms of Pan-Africanism often does, attributing any and eveything to the greatness of Africa alone. The Nation of Gods and Earths embraces all Original people but taering down the labels of nationalism of tribal identity to create barriers and bring everyone together for one common cause: education, elevation and solidarity.

With that in mind, I would like to share some knowledge with you about a great "blackman": Roberto Clemente. Keeping in line with the theme of "responsibility", I encourage many to learn about his life. I am partial to Roberto not just because he played for the Pittsburgh Pirates and was from Puerto Rico, but because he was a proud of who he was and did not sacrifice that in the face of the racism he experienced within his career. He actually had his wife give birth to all three of his sons in Puerto Rico. He returned to the essence while attempting to fly supplies to earthquake victims in Nicaragua. The attempts and donations made prior never reached the earthquake victims because U.S. implemented and 'puppet' dictator Anastazio Samoza pocketed the money while the poor starved (sounds like the South Asian Tsunami situation huh?). Samoza was eventually overthrown by the Sandinistas, an Indigenous Socialist group, as Samoza fled to exile in Miami, Florida. Later the CIA tried to have who they thought was a spy for them, Manuel Noriega-military leader and later president of Panama, invade and take down the Sandinistas government, which he refused. This caused his frame up by the CIA and the opened the flood gates of cocaine into U.S. as the CIA supported drug traffickers with the goal of overthrowing the Socialist government in Nicaragua.

Clemente was upset that the supplies previously sent to the victims never reached them and against advice from his family and friends, wanted to fly the supplies there himself. His plane never made it and it crashed off the coast of Puerto Rico. It seemed all too suspicous. Roberto Clemente was such a powerful and influential figure in the hearts and minds of the people, especially those in Latin America and Puerto Rico. The move he was making was something the I think the U.S. government could not afford. To use his fame and resources to help the people would have been more than disaster relief, it would of being empowering to the people, especially as a "black" Puerto Rican. Because although he was proud of his proud s-called Puerto Rican heritage, he was still a "nigger" to some of his teammates and to America, as was shared in a biography I read on his life when I was in 3rd grade. He was my hero when I was little. He was the first so-called "Latino" inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. And he was spoken of in the Spike Tv presentation "Viva Beisbol!" about how Latin Americans shaped the history of the America pasttime. Here is a link to check out regarding Roberto and his life:http://www.robertoclemente21.com/


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