Chavez proposes renaming Latin America to Indian America
MEXICO, August 12 (RIA Novosti) - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has proposed renaming Latin America to Indian America, the Mexican media reported.
"Let's call our continent Indian America instead of Latin America," Chavez told a meeting of the Indian community in Caracas, capital of Venezuela.
He said the notion Latin had been enforced by the Europeans, while Indians were the continent's indigenous population.
The outspoken Venezuelan president, who has led his country since 1999, said his move was aimed at restoring "historical justice."
Mexican political analysts believe Chavez' surprising idea stemmed from his nationality.
Chavez is of mixed Amerindian, Afro-Venezuelan, and Spanish descent. He is an outspoken opponent of globalization and U.S. foreign policy.
Originally posted by "The Latin Americanist"; Original source- http://en.rian.ru/world/20080812/115976867.html
Peace! While I respect Chavez and his intentions are good, Indian America would seperate us from my brother and sis. who was brought here in 1555 on a ship named jesus, capt. by one sir. John Hawkins and I don t believe it would seperate us from the enemy since we would still be called by the slave masters name, Amerigo Vispucci, who by the way didn t discover America either!
I agree with Chavez 100%
Europeans only brought poverty, misery, and diseases to this continent. Europeans should NOT exist. We should drop the word Latin.
We are Indo America!!!
- Nahual Pang
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